art • Less draws from two paths of research. One instinctive as a source of experience within the nature of things and man, the other: deliberately thought out and meditated, as a source of knowledge that demands the grasping of dowry and defect, within the nature of things and of man, to infer how they act and satisfy needs. Through these ways it explores matter as an instrument of a plastic process that moulds and transforms, evolves, in constant change and progression. It observes being through the conception of its time and the eye of its spirit.
Explore the nature, character and set of things, their qualities, tendencies and inclinations, considered innate and permanent that make things what they are and a being what they are: «Things, generic term used to indicate any entity, concrete or abstract that is the object of the attention of the speaker or writer; or that receives determination from the context of speech or writing, often used to allude to what one cannot or does not want to indicate with precision>
Basically it is:
Human activity aimed at creating works that recognise an aesthetic value, by means of shapes, colours, words or sounds: the art of painting and sculpture.
Human activity that is accomplished with ingenuity according to rules dictated by experience, by study, formerly defined among the Liberal Arts, where all those intellectual activities that are mechanical (manual) or professional (employment) worthy of the free man.
Search and analyse:
Not only the figurative arts or fine arts: art applied in any form that is proposed for practical purposes such as embellishment of objects, environments, everyday use that aims to reduce the expressive sign to minimum terms, so as to bring it as close as possible to the essentiality of its archetype.
The artistic production:
Inherent in the search for being in comparison with the change of social issues and their integration in today's society, which has changed over the centuries by changing the same becoming of the social role of being, within a contemporaneity in which much if not everything is entrusted to society by the internet and the television, internal research.
art • Less draws from two paths of research. One instinctive as a source of experience within the nature of things and man, the other: deliberately thought out and meditated, as a source of knowledge that demands the grasping of dowry and defect, within the nature of things and of man, to infer how they act and satisfy needs. Through these ways it explores matter as an instrument of a plastic process that moulds and transforms, evolves, in constant change and progression. It observes being through the conception of its time and the eye of its spirit.
Explore the nature, character and set of things, their qualities, tendencies and inclinations, considered innate and permanent that make things what they are and a being what they are: «Things, generic term used to indicate any entity, concrete or abstract that is the object of the attention of the speaker or writer; or that receives determination from the context of speech or writing, often used to allude to what one cannot or does not want to indicate with precision>
Basically it is:
Human activity aimed at creating works that recognise an aesthetic value, by means of shapes, colours, words or sounds: the art of painting and sculpture.
Human activity that is accomplished with ingenuity according to rules dictated by experience, by study, formerly defined among the Liberal Arts, where all those intellectual activities that are mechanical (manual) or professional (employment) worthy of the free man.
Search and analyse:
Not only the figurative arts or fine arts: art applied in any form that is proposed for practical purposes such as embellishment of objects, environments, everyday use that aims to reduce the expressive sign to minimum terms, so as to bring it as close as possible to the essentiality of its archetype.
The artistic production:
Inherent in the search for being in comparison with the change of social issues and their integration in today's society, which has changed over the centuries by changing the same becoming of the social role of being, within a contemporaneity in which much if not everything is entrusted to society by the internet and the television, internal research.
produzione fotografica - visualArt - pittura & illustrazione - scultura - etc