Once upon a time there was a young woman in love with dance. Antonella Boggi had a great awareness, albeit "with a fluttering soul". She already knew as a young girl that her body would not allow her to dance in theatres around the world. So, she channeled all her energy and determination into becoming a great ballet teacher. At eighteen she had already decided and started working hard.
Her elder brother, Roberto, born in 1963, watched her grow both with admiration and bewilderment. He was searching for himself, following very different paths. After Accounting he enrolled first in Law - "like all those who did not really know what to do," he says with an easygoing tone -, then he began civil service and for almost twenty months he committed himself to the Tiraboschi Library. After that, he did a long internship in the Chamber of Commerce and finally graduated as a Graphic Designer at the European Design Institute.
He has always breathed art, in all its forms, at home. Even before his sister, it was his father who infected them both: Lorenzo Boggi was and still is a painter and an artist who, especially in the seventies, dedicated himself through his Studio 2B to the promotion of visual art (and not only: pop art, electronic music and poetry). Roberto proudly shows a small catalogue of his father's works, which also features bright and colourful views of the Upper Town.
However, he tried, at least for a while, to suggest to his son a reassuring place in the bank, but Roberto chose to enter a large advertising agency and then left after only six months.
His father had told him: "Do what you want, just do something." He had taken him at his word and, almost enlightened by that "something" he translated into "everything you can”. He then decided to do just that: he passionately followed a theatre course, learned to walk on stilts, went on tour, participated in a course on crystals and more. He continued until the announcement of the arrival of his first child.
"I had always had the desire to open a bar, a disco bar, and one day Antonella told me that they had propositioned her to start a business for the dance world. I didn't close my eyes all night and suggested we do it together.”
Thus, it was that in 1996 they inaugurated their "Dance House", a specialised dance store, in particular for classical dance. In a short time, it became a point of reference for all young Orobic dancers.
"As always, it was Antonella who gave the input, and she still does it by proposing ideas and new paths. She is more reactive.” And she adds: “Robi, on the other hand, is the one with his feet on the ground.”
Between the two there is a great understanding that does not need too many words; they trust each other and know that one starts where the other ends.
Together they chose to stay in the Borgo d’Oro, which was the place that welcomed them as teenagers. Here, they built friendships that lasted over time and that still retains “a special energy” from which above all Roberto does not want to separate.
The two siblings, over the years, have managed orders by correspondence and invented the Temporary Dance Shop that moves around the territory with the most important dance performances, but the Borgo remains their home.
Antonella has three children, Roberto two, and in these years they have both understood even more that nothing is worth as much as the time devoted to them.
Precisely for this reason, Mattia is now helping them in the store. “A serious and calm boy, endowed with great patience”, who gives them a little time for themselves.
Roberto's free time usually consists of lunch at the Tijuana restaurant with some old friends and with Donato, also a trader in a nearby shop.
Between point shoes and stilts, Antonella and Roberto continue to dance.
Once upon a time there was a young woman in love with dance. Antonella Boggi had a great awareness, albeit "with a fluttering soul". She already knew as a young girl that her body would not allow her to dance in theatres around the world. So, she channeled all her energy and determination into becoming a great ballet teacher. At eighteen she had already decided and started working hard.
Her elder brother, Roberto, born in 1963, watched her grow both with admiration and bewilderment. He was searching for himself, following very different paths. After Accounting he enrolled first in Law - "like all those who did not really know what to do," he says with an easygoing tone -, then he began civil service and for almost twenty months he committed himself to the Tiraboschi Library. After that, he did a long internship in the Chamber of Commerce and finally graduated as a Graphic Designer at the European Design Institute.
He has always breathed art, in all its forms, at home. Even before his sister, it was his father who infected them both: Lorenzo Boggi was and still is a painter and an artist who, especially in the seventies, dedicated himself through his Studio 2B to the promotion of visual art (and not only: pop art, electronic music and poetry). Roberto proudly shows a small catalogue of his father's works, which also features bright and colourful views of the Upper Town.
However, he tried, at least for a while, to suggest to his son a reassuring place in the bank, but Roberto chose to enter a large advertising agency and then left after only six months.
His father had told him: "Do what you want, just do something." He had taken him at his word and, almost enlightened by that "something" he translated into "everything you can”. He then decided to do just that: he passionately followed a theatre course, learned to walk on stilts, went on tour, participated in a course on crystals and more. He continued until the announcement of the arrival of his first child.
"I had always had the desire to open a bar, a disco bar, and one day Antonella told me that they had propositioned her to start a business for the dance world. I didn't close my eyes all night and suggested we do it together.”
Thus, it was that in 1996 they inaugurated their "Dance House", a specialised dance store, in particular for classical dance. In a short time, it became a point of reference for all young Orobic dancers.
"As always, it was Antonella who gave the input, and she still does it by proposing ideas and new paths. She is more reactive.” And she adds: “Robi, on the other hand, is the one with his feet on the ground.”
Between the two there is a great understanding that does not need too many words; they trust each other and know that one starts where the other ends.
Together they chose to stay in the Borgo d’Oro, which was the place that welcomed them as teenagers. Here, they built friendships that lasted over time and that still retains “a special energy” from which above all Roberto does not want to separate.
The two siblings, over the years, have managed orders by correspondence and invented the Temporary Dance Shop that moves around the territory with the most important dance performances, but the Borgo remains their home.
Antonella has three children, Roberto two, and in these years they have both understood even more that nothing is worth as much as the time devoted to them.
Precisely for this reason, Mattia is now helping them in the store. “A serious and calm boy, endowed with great patience”, who gives them a little time for themselves.
Roberto's free time usually consists of lunch at the Tijuana restaurant with some old friends and with Donato, also a trader in a nearby shop.
Between point shoes and stilts, Antonella and Roberto continue to dance.