Try it, and no explanation will be needed. “Nuvola di pane” (cloudy bread) is the latest creation of Alessio Rovetta, a pizza that is so light that it almost levitates. The rising lasts between 48 and 72 hours (and more sometimes). An impressive result obtained by kneading biga of flour type 2 (the whole-wheat one) with a bit of 0 type, too, and add the wheat germ. He created the sign after moving into the new place, 7 Ponti, in Cenate Sopra, in the same places that hosted for year the Degli Olivi restaurant. A dough that is particularly fascinating because it is extremely light (and digestible), which, added to the other doughs, characterizes what a young but well-known pizza maker offers, someone who has decided to dedicate himself with passion and determination to the pursuit of quality.
Like many of his colleagues, he went to the Pizza University, where he had his illumination. The university was settled by Molino Quaglia in the old headquarter of Vighizzolo d'Este (PD). And then the Petra flours, excellences of the mill. But Alessio Rovetta didn’t stop at this. He went forward. He decided to find the right balance between doughs, risings, seasonings and cooking times. Days and days spent studying, experimenting, testing.
This is how organic pizza, with kamut flour or spelt versions were created (whole spelt or kamut, no compromises) then la Petra and now, the amazing nuvola di pane (cloudy bread). Every disk, whole or already sliced, seasoned with high quality ingredients, all listed by origin and suppliers ( i.e. Culatello di Zibello Dop is the one from Antica Corte Pallavicina, mozzarellas coming from Artelat in Alberobello, the stracchino cheese is made by Ivan Trionfini from Dossena…). A meticulous care that make him use two ovens: one fire-resistant and heated with wood and the other one electric. Yes, because you can’t compromise the result by not cooking at precise temperatures. A mistake that Alessio Rovetta, master of pizza, doesn’t want to make.
Try it, and no explanation will be needed. “Nuvola di pane” (cloudy bread) is the latest creation of Alessio Rovetta, a pizza that is so light that it almost levitates. The rising lasts between 48 and 72 hours (and more sometimes). An impressive result obtained by kneading biga of flour type 2 (the whole-wheat one) with a bit of 0 type, too, and add the wheat germ. He created the sign after moving into the new place, 7 Ponti, in Cenate Sopra, in the same places that hosted for year the Degli Olivi restaurant. A dough that is particularly fascinating because it is extremely light (and digestible), which, added to the other doughs, characterizes what a young but well-known pizza maker offers, someone who has decided to dedicate himself with passion and determination to the pursuit of quality.
Like many of his colleagues, he went to the Pizza University, where he had his illumination. The university was settled by Molino Quaglia in the old headquarter of Vighizzolo d'Este (PD). And then the Petra flours, excellences of the mill. But Alessio Rovetta didn’t stop at this. He went forward. He decided to find the right balance between doughs, risings, seasonings and cooking times. Days and days spent studying, experimenting, testing.
This is how organic pizza, with kamut flour or spelt versions were created (whole spelt or kamut, no compromises) then la Petra and now, the amazing nuvola di pane (cloudy bread). Every disk, whole or already sliced, seasoned with high quality ingredients, all listed by origin and suppliers ( i.e. Culatello di Zibello Dop is the one from Antica Corte Pallavicina, mozzarellas coming from Artelat in Alberobello, the stracchino cheese is made by Ivan Trionfini from Dossena…). A meticulous care that make him use two ovens: one fire-resistant and heated with wood and the other one electric. Yes, because you can’t compromise the result by not cooking at precise temperatures. A mistake that Alessio Rovetta, master of pizza, doesn’t want to make.