Sport and Adrenaline
Sport and adventure a few kilometers from Bergamo!

Cascading streams, caves and rock walls from a few tens to hundreds of meters: The immense variety of natural environments in the Bergamo, you can find the right spot to do your favorite extreme sport !

Whether you are an expert, curious or just trying to push yourself to your limits ... or  accompanied by professionals!

Do you feel more sporty or adventurous? Find out our climbing cliffs, where you can find every level of difficulty, from the steep cliffs to alpine walls.
Or they can go to the Imagna Valley and Val Cavallina where there are rich karstic caverns and streams. If you are not a spelunking expert try something a little easier like the Caves of Wonders in Zogno.
Want to see the Bergamo from above? Get ready to take-off! Paragliding from Roncola is a perfect way to enjoy the views and wind, either alone or tandem with an expert; and for who are even more daring, there is skydiving!
The clear rivers and streams coming down from the Orobie mountains allow for a refreshing break from the summer heat. But if you're looking for something more lively and adventurous you can try rafting or canyoning!