Twelve hours to fall in love with Bergamo. Here’s what you should visit!


It would take more than a week to enjoy all the wonders of Bergamo, but if you can’t stop for more than 12 hours we thought up of an intinerary to take on "a walk between the best and the must-sees of our city." Every city hides little gems that are usually right under our noses, but still there are even more we don’t even notice, and having only twelve hours it becomes even harder discover them .

Following the advice of the itinerary, Twelve hours to discover Bergamo, you will walk through the narrow streets that still smell like the Middle Ages, admire works of inestimable value in art galleries and churches and find a little table to drink a coffee in an elegant downtown bar.

We start at the station, with our eyes fixed upwards at the beautiful fresco offered by the Upper Town. And so it begins, the your journey through art, from the center of Piacentini - the heart of the Lower Town - up to the Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art (GAMeC); we continue with some history and stunning views, like those offered by the Venetian walls up to what you will enjoy climbing to the top of the Tower of Gombito.

Art and culture go arm in arm with good food and during this itinerary, so you can not miss som food advice: enjoy a break at one of the elegant bars of the Sentierone, or on the premises of via St. Thomas or St. Catherine to discover the typical products of our city.


Twelve hours to see the city