Milk cooperative consortium

Milk cooperative consortium


The Cooperative has been producing cheese and protecting Torre Pallavicina’s farmers since 1936. At first, the production was quite limited: in 2015, however, they managed to collect 34.124.505 litres of milk, 28.000.000 of which were destined to the making of Grana Padano DOP, for a total amount of 51.227 cheeses!

Each production stage undergoes strict quality controls inside the dairy, while the animals’ wellbeing and health is guaranteed by the Zoo-prophylactic Institute and by Brescia’s “Nuovo Centro Latte”.
In addition to Grana Padano DOP cheese, a few years ago the dairy also began to produce “Va-bu”, a cheese made of cow and buffalo milk. A must-try! 


The Cooperative has been producing cheese and protecting Torre Pallavicina’s farmers since 1936. At first, the production was quite limited: in 2015, however, they managed to collect 34.124.505 litres of milk, 28.000.000 of which were destined to the making of Grana Padano DOP, for a total amount of 51.227 cheeses!

Each production stage undergoes strict quality controls inside the dairy, while the animals’ wellbeing and health is guaranteed by the Zoo-prophylactic Institute and by Brescia’s “Nuovo Centro Latte”.
In addition to Grana Padano DOP cheese, a few years ago the dairy also began to produce “Va-bu”, a cheese made of cow and buffalo milk. A must-try!